Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Old School #7894
In a distant corner of the church lies a dingy little room..
It is musty, small, cramped and the aircon doesn't always work.
But we have Sunday School there every week with uncle IZ..
In this little dingy room, there is a big, black wooden table.
Guess what I found in there.

It means the church admin and treasurers must have been using this to count offerings la! I think it's only.. 3 years ago that they moved all the old stuff to the dingy little room? Wa lao, when I say my church is old school, I didn't mean.. until like that la!!


Actually, you know right, I found a $10 bill in there last time. Really! I think it was left forgotten when all the other offerings made their way to the bank. I really saw a $10 bill in the drawer last time. I wanted to take it, but I thought Jesus will be very sad because I steal in His house, so I never take.
The next week I went back to take a look, it was gone already.
Someone took it la. =(
But I'm glad it's not me.
The next week I went back to take a look, it was gone already.
Someone took it la. =(
But I'm glad it's not me.