Monday, April 04, 2005

No prayer today, but how is everyone?

No prayer today.

I wonder how everyone is doing, both spiritually and you know, regularly. I get around a lot on Sundays, but still, it's a lot of people to be talking to, and beyond a "hi-bye" (sometimes even within my own congregation's people), it's kind of hard to tell what lies beneath everyone's façade sometimes. No, scratch that, it's sort of like, all of the time. We're all such consumnate actors.

(I am, of course, also speaking for myself, but this really isn't a self-reflexive post; it's definitely externally-directed pensive probing.)

After realising that the above sentence wasn't really in English, here it is again, translated:

(I could, of course, be referring to myself as "acting", but what this post is really asking is: How are you guys doing?)

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