Sunday, March 06, 2005

An hour a prayer gives the devil a scare - Eastman

Interfere at any price in any fashion when people start to pray, for real prayer is lethal to our cause.
Uncle Screwtape to Nephew Wormwood (CS Lewis, The Screwtape Letters)
Interesting anecdote about prayer today about Daniel. Eastman writes that we often picture prayer as a communication between man and God - a direct telephone line. However, we forget that there are extraneous factors involved... Daniel chapter 10 saw Daniel praying... and praying, and praying. He prayed for 21 days before an angel of the Lord arrived with an answer. Turns out that the message couldn't be delivered due to a heavy server load - a hindering spirit from hell had engaged him in a prolonged battle that lasted 20 days, and had Daniel not been persistent with his prayers, the prayer might have gone unanswered, the messager defeated.
Satan is a real person, possessing awesome power to fight prayer.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for orchestrating a good introductory session today as the camp committee met. I thank You so much for the willingness of these brothers and sisters to sacrifice their time, energy, effort into serving on this committee. I pray that You bless them abundantly in return. I pray for the persons who were unable to join us today - may they not feel excluded in any way.

Now as the committee's actions truly kick off, I pray that You grant them wisdom to know what to do, and the energy and resources to do Your will.

I pray in particular for the publicity team, who have the biggest job right now - of publicising the Youth Camp to the entire population without a camp name. I pray that You give them innovative ideas on how to conduct their campaign in TRBC, and the energy and resources to see them through. I pray that You multiply their time and give them good heads for time-management.

For us all, I pray that in the midst of all our business, we will not forget to pray.

In Jesus' Name,

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