Friday, October 03, 2008
Ahhh haaa! I shall be late today! Will not be suckered again! Haaa haa!!!!
Eh you know, every time when we're done, I step back and feel really amazed. I mean, how the heck do we manage to pull off crazy looking banners every year with more insane looking cartoons and so many different colours with just a few pots of basic primary colours?!
Shall take a picture of our poorly neglected paint pots later. The purple so nice! And, I didn't buy purple!
Eh you know, every time when we're done, I step back and feel really amazed. I mean, how the heck do we manage to pull off crazy looking banners every year with more insane looking cartoons and so many different colours with just a few pots of basic primary colours?!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Outrigger Island - Decor works
Day 1
Every year, it gets better. This year, Celesta's heading it, so we're going towards a more Eco-friendly route. Air-conditioning at 25 degrees! Save paper!
Aiyo, my parents are watching 2Fast 2Furious. So noisy, I can scarcely hear myself typing.

Argh, one OHP blew a long time ago and no one got it fixed. So, we only got one left now, and that feels like dying too. Maybe it's time to use the projector, but it seems so mah fun leh. Anyway, thanks for coming, people!
See, I never worry! I can count on mah friends!
Celesta, "The papers are taller than me!"
Joel was saying something, but I didn't catch it until the last part.
" ... Eh... We've been doing for three years now." Haha! I suddenly remember I have his pictures leh! From three years ago! Can form a time line leh!
Year 2007!
*Yeah Mr Lam, your son was here.*
And now, 2008! So cool now! No more monkey faces!
Me, "Man! Let's both continue to do this for another ten more years!"
Joel, "C'mon, you think the kids will let you? They'll get rid of us in a couple more year."
Okay, let's see the other faces for this year now!
Da niu.
Our newcomer of the year, se! Who decides she's still very giddy after several rapid rounds around the twirly-chair playset. *Walks to me before bathing* "I'm still very giddy...."
Painted until 4 plus before we decided to pack up. Left a few more stuff to be painted. And, we kept the theme banner for tomorrow. (Only because I couldn't find a colour printer in time)
If you squint closely in the next picture, you can see the Flag of China. We're wondering what it's doing there, "maybe one of the staff is from China!" when se said....

".... We should throw some milk powder on the flag!"
Day 2

I feel better after a bath!
I think, when you tell people to meet at 12, they will come at 1, 1.30 or later. Take tonight's conversation.
"So we're meeting what time tomorrow?"
"Oh. That means 12 la."
Painted the Tiki Signs. They are empty now, because the classroom locations are not arranged yet.

And, the theme banner for this year!
I know, it looks empty. But, it's not la! If you squint hard enough you can see the pencil markings! I tell you, it's a tradition to take this "blank" looking piece of paper. Halfway through painting, Joel suddenly jumped up and said, "We never take the 'before' picture!!!"
"I did la!"
"Oh, okay." *Goes back to work on his yellow parts.*
I think, as the years go by, you slowly stop getting to choose which parts to paint. Walao, this year it was ...
"I want to paint the green!"
"Can gimme paint the orange please........."
"I'll take the red!"
"No, I want to take the red. Can?"
"I wan paint the blue one! I wan paint the blue!"
Every year, it gets better. This year, Celesta's heading it, so we're going towards a more Eco-friendly route. Air-conditioning at 25 degrees! Save paper!
Aiyo, my parents are watching 2Fast 2Furious. So noisy, I can scarcely hear myself typing.

Argh, one OHP blew a long time ago and no one got it fixed. So, we only got one left now, and that feels like dying too. Maybe it's time to use the projector, but it seems so mah fun leh. Anyway, thanks for coming, people!
See, I never worry! I can count on mah friends!

Yay! Can start painting already!

" ... Eh... We've been doing for three years now." Haha! I suddenly remember I have his pictures leh! From three years ago! Can form a time line leh!

*Yeah Mr Lam, your son was here.*
And now, 2008! So cool now! No more monkey faces!

Me, "Man! Let's both continue to do this for another ten more years!"
Joel, "C'mon, you think the kids will let you? They'll get rid of us in a couple more year."


If you squint closely in the next picture, you can see the Flag of China. We're wondering what it's doing there, "maybe one of the staff is from China!" when se said....

".... We should throw some milk powder on the flag!"
Day 2
I feel better after a bath!
I think, when you tell people to meet at 12, they will come at 1, 1.30 or later. Take tonight's conversation.
"So we're meeting what time tomorrow?"
"Oh. That means 12 la."
Painted the Tiki Signs. They are empty now, because the classroom locations are not arranged yet.


"I did la!"
"Oh, okay." *Goes back to work on his yellow parts.*

"I want to paint the green!"
"Can gimme paint the orange please........."
"I'll take the red!"
"No, I want to take the red. Can?"
"I wan paint the blue one! I wan paint the blue!"
"...... All right. I'll just take whatever colour you all don't want." =.=|||
*Think. Elves working hard here*
And, we're done!
*wx drags a chair to the back*
And, we're done!
"Eh, you see here, not nice. That part you paint one lor."
" .... This part still got abit of white colour..."
"Walao!! Heck la! Is damn nice already lor!"
" .... This part still got abit of white colour..."
"Walao!! Heck la! Is damn nice already lor!"
*wx drags a chair to the back*