Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Another fellow, off to the Army...

And thus, this is the last of Puden we'll see in 3 weeks.
*Coughs* Er hrm. =X Ok. We all went for dinner at a Japanese Fast Food restaurant in Cini. The food isn't bad. Just a tad cold, and someone ate a slice of Ben's Brinjal, re-fried it, and placed it into his Bento box again. You could still see the "half moon" bite marks. SICK!
We wanted to eat Ramen at Level 4, but it closed down already (so did Cafe Cartel). Someone suggested Crystal Jade and the idea was immediately shot down. Walked past the gym which was across the road and Ben suddenly said, "Don't the people on the treadmill look like hamsters?" =)
" ... Right. "
Before dinner, X and I were sent off to the 7 Eleven, to "buy something for Puden, and the item must have a significant meaning." So we went in, bought him "Snakehead Prickly Heat Powder" and brought it down to the Jap food store where everyone was waiting for us.

And here's what we gave him!
- Little PC gave his big bro 4 packs of Tao Kay Neo Big Sheet Seaweed!
"Big Sheet 吗,很像 Big Shit lor." Nice one. PC can take over his brother soon.
- Daniel, Voda Voda Bottle, Water for Life, “Nah,这个 送给你。 因为你每天要做 Water Parade!"
- Ben, Oreo Cookies: "I tell you ah.. At night, you sure hungry, then you can only eat this. I guarantee! Sure hungry one!"
- Eddie, Gardenia Bread, "Every day you eat breakfast, you can think of us!" =)
- JJ, Kaya spread, "Erm, to put on the bread one."
WAIT! At this point, I must add that JJ forgot to check the expiry date of the Kaya spread and the Kaya actually expired last week! HAHAHA! I wonder which 7 - Eleven outlet he bought it from! Damn disgusting! We all had a good time laughing over the Kaya (and at JJ)!
- Beverly, Plasters, "Plasters are a woman's best friend! They are for your blisters when you wear your boots!" To which, Puden replied, "I packed three rolls of black tape to tape my feet."
- Hui Yun, Insect Repellent, "For the mosquitoes when you go field training ok!"
Ben also bought a calender thing, on behalf of all of us, with bible verses in it. It was still wrapped up, so I didn't really get a close look. But it looks very nice. I hope Puden remembered to pack his bible.
Anyway, at the bottom of the paper bag was a transparent CD wrapper..
Puden *pulling it out*, "I wonder who give me this!"
Ben, "Ya! I was wondering too. I was thinking, 'Wah.. So abstract..' and I was trying to find out what meaning, then I remember! Its the wrapper from the VCD I bought yesterday! Hahaha! Sorry ah!"
All, " ...."
Bye bye Puden! Good luck! I hope you'll still remember how to play the guitar when you come out! We'll miss your lame, cold jokes (at least, I think). Cheers!